Receive up to $150,000美元的低息贷款,帮助你的创业公司获得新资产或更新现有资产.

这是由富国银行赞助的亚特兰大商业公开赛的一部分, 投资亚特兰大启动了100万美元的亚特兰大创业成长贷款计划(ASGLP),以支持位于亚特兰大市的科技创业公司. The ASGLP offers loans from $50,000 - $150,通过购买和收购资产来帮助创业公司获得动力和发展.  它为有明确融资需求的初创公司提供资金, 除了致力于通过影响社会的技术解决关键问题之外.

Application Process

Program Overview
Apply Online through Neighborly
Apply for Application Assistance
Need help completing your application?

What is a startup?

科技创业公司是指将科技产品或服务推向市场的公司. 这些公司提供新的技术产品或服务,或以新的方式提供现有的技术产品或服务. 它正在寻找一种可重复和可扩展的商业模式来产生收入.

These startups fix a problem in a market, fill a need in a market, and/or create an entirely new market. 它们通常会成长,具有变革性,并且可以持续到5岁左右.


  • Have an MVP (minimal viable product) in place.
  • Have raised money from friends and family, have done an accelerator or incubator program, or have bootstrapped up until this point. Financials must demonstrate proof of this.
  • 有一个明确的GTM(上市策略)计划,以及他们将如何为特定的里程碑使用资金.


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  • Be a startup, incorporated within the last 5 years, 并持有有效的亚特兰大市营业执照.
  • 在技术领域拥有可扩展的高影响力解决方案.
  • 展示其所在行业(人工智能)的增长潜力, SaaS, B2C, B2B, Sustainability- Manufacturing, Deep Tech, FinTech, etc.).
  • 在申请融资时,及时偿还所有个人和企业债务. 
  • Operate from home, commercial space, incubator, accelerator, or co-working space in the city of Atlanta.

Additional considerations: 

  • 对亚特兰大市的商业地产有兴趣, emphasis in low-income census tracts, State or Federal Opportunity Zone areas, disadvantaged neighborhoods, or a New Markets Tax Credit approved area.
  • Special emphasis on underrepresented founders.
  • Applications are reviewed on a case-by-case basis and applicants; even those who may have credit challenges are encouraged to review their current situation with Invest Atlanta’s Small Business Finance team.

Loan Features

该计划将向申请人提供直接贷款. 所有贷款在第一次还款到期前将有六个月的延期.

Uses of Loan Fund 

  • 贷款资金可用于购置新资产或更新现有资产. Specifically, funds can be used for technology, inventory, 购买或改造亚特兰大市内的商业空间, machinery and equipment, furniture and fixture, and signage.
  • 最多20%的贷款资金可用于其他营运资金支出. 营运资金的使用应考虑仅用于支持有形资产的购买或更新.  

Examples of how you might use the loan:

  • Expand existing operations.
  • 翻新或购买商业地产空间.
  • Purchase inventory or equipment (e.g., point of sales/POS system).
  • 产品开发、工程和基础设施(软件的更新).

Loan Size 

Minimum of $50,000; Maximum of $150,000. 

Interest Rate 

Between 0% and 3%. 
Loan Maturity 

最长5年,在第一次付款前延期6个月.  Loan terms cannot exceed the lease terms.  

Type of Collateral  

No collateral required; however, it is encouraged to strengthen application. No personal guarantee required. 

Other Provisions  

如果不符合以下标准,e世博esball局保留要求全额付款的权利. The loan recipient: 

  • 必须参加亚特兰大商业公开赛技术援助计划.
  • Must provide 3 years of reporting results.
  • 同意与e世博esball公司合作,确定并确定借款人的社区影响贡献.
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